Bindhu Madhava Varma

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Project Details

SEDS Website

I am a software team member at one of our university club named SEDS(Students for Explorations and Development of Space). As part of this role I was given a project to develop a website for our club and I did my best to do the job. Check out the website at the given link.


We hosted an online treasure hunt at our university club SEDS and we developed our own website to host this competition. The website has a lot features starting from registrations to live dashboard which shows live scores and positions of all the participants. Check out the website at the given link.

Boss Buddy

Boss Buddy is an online platform that I made as part of an academic course related to web development. The web app has features like, To Do planner, resume maker, a chatting platform and internships/freelancing platform.

Oxygen Delivery

Oxygen Delivery is a web app where, users can register as a individual or vendor. the individuals can post a request for Oxygen requirement and vendor can see and accept the requests based on different constraints like distance. The integrated maps features in the app provide UI for delivey tracking and other map related features. We made this project in a hackathon and secured second position;

Secure Chat

Secure Chat is a chatting web application in which the messages sent by users are encrypted using AES algorithm. We made this project as part of our academic course named "Introduction to Cryptography" and implemented the algorithm using PHP. Check out the website at the given link.

Agastya Careers

Agastya Careers is a private company that provides career trainings to freshers. I got the project of developing a landing page for the company and I did my best to do the job. Check out the website at the given link.

Agastya Careers

VML Tennis academy is a sports club in Vijayawada that provides tennis trainings to studesnt on various levels including state and national level tournaments. I got a chance to make a landing page for them and I did my best to do it.

Profile Website

This is the website you are currently present in. I made this to present all the work that I have been doing since the beginning of my engineering. Hope you like it :)